The primary purposes of the Association are:
a) Dynamize and promote the ICT and Assistance-Health sectors in the region of Castilla y León, promoting training, research, development and innovation activities, and technology transfer, aiming to the constitution of a highly competitive sector, both nationally and internationally.
b) Promote the interrelation between technology-based companies and healthcare-assistance companies, favoring the development of solutions in the field of disability, personal autonomy and dependency situations.
c) Promote growth and competitiveness in our member’s sectors, supporting their development in all spheres of its activity: marketing, creation of solutions, technology and recruiting/training their professionals.
d) Promote training and research activities in the field of technologies applied to care and health services.
e) Achieve a strong business fabric able to compete in all kinds of markets.
f) Establish the channels that enable a greater relationship with the institutions and bodies responsible for social policy both in the Autonomous Community (regional authority) and at national and international level.
g) Achieve the sector’s full internationalization.