Vitalia Home is an important group of entities and professionals with more than 20 years experience in the design, creation and management of centers and services to assist and care for people who, due to lack or loss of physical, mental or intellectually, they need assistance and help to carry out activities of daily living.

Its mission is focused on professional attention and personalized, endearing and affectionate care for people who need it for reasons of physical, mental or social dependence.

They create houses to live in comfortable and homely environments, avoiding overcrowding, and with gardens, so that users can enjoy can walk, and enjoy leisure and outdoor activities.

Nursing homes are spacious, bright and accessible to promote mobility and safety, applying the most modern care techniques, technologies and innovative ergonomic furniture.

Its care model is based on the provision of the most complete multidisciplinary team of professionals with a true vocation for service and able to design and apply an individual specialized care plan for each user during each stage of their evolution.


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