VIRTUALIZA is an initiative carried out by Cluster SIVI, COTESA: Centro de Observación y Teledetección Espacial, ADIPER Servicios Sociosanitarios and ITCL Centro Tecnológico.
Development of a virtual and multi-user training space, in which the training staff will be able to give academic sessions to students located in different locations who will be able to interact with the teacher and with each other, in real time by creating a virtual scenario with Virtual Reality glasses and visual representations of users in the scene as avatars.
Firstly, the current situation and needs to be resolved will be analysed, offering the development team a series of specific requirements that the system must meet.
In a later phase of the project, this development will have into account the needs and requirements reports to generate a functional and optimized solution. Likewise, the development of the application will be validated and the necessary changes will be applied to adjust the functional characteristics of the application to its final use.
Finally, we’ll define and create a system that allows obtaining certain relevant data on the use of the application, in order to carry out studies on its effectiveness.
This project is supported by the call for October 2021, to support AAEEII of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.
Call: Order 9th October 2021
Terms: Order ICT/1117/2021 October 9th
File #: AEI–010500-2021b-131
An aid co-financed by the Next Generation EU funds has been received